I've got a body.
Hey guess what?
I've got a body. You've got a body. We've all got bodies. My body is a body that does bodily things.
It accepts food. It houses my brain. It takes me places. It can type and draw and sing and laugh. It wears clothes. It loves to sleep. It's really quite marvellous.
Do I care about the shape or size of your body? No
Do I want to hear your negative thoughts about your body? How it's bigger than last week? What you fuelled it with or didn't? What exercise you put it through? How you wish it could change? No.
Just as I don't care what you think about my body and I won't bother you with describing how much or little it weighs or how I felt after I ate too much or not enough.
I also won't point out the features I like or dislike about my body and I wish you wouldn't do that to me about yours.
If I did, wouldn't you remember it forever? And think of those negatives every time you see me?
I think you would. Just as I now remember what you don't like about your body every time I see you.
Pointing out what you feel are flaws or problems with your body is not only disrespectful to yourself but could be insinuating that there's something wrong with other people's bodies if they look or feel the same.
Have a think about how referring to your personal dislikes could be offensive to others.
Perhaps focus on what you do like, if you choose to talk about your body. Then that's what I'll remember. That's what we'll all think when we see you, if that's what you want.
Your body. Your choice.